Onboard inference


This tutorial shows how to run ground segementation on Antelope using previously prepared model and Deep learning Processor Unit accelerator.

A bit of background

Running inference requires building Linux distribution with DPU support, prepared model, runner script and input data. You’ve already prepared all these components in different tutorials, this one puts everything together. Runner in this tutorial will perform ground segmentation and output numeric predictions results for each input image along with visualization of segmentation by overlying classes on top of input images.


Provided outputs

Following files (Tutorial files) are associated with this tutorial:

  • Antelope/Zero-to-hero/05 Onboard inference/boot-firmware.bin - Boot firmware for Antelope

  • Antelope/Zero-to-hero/05 Onboard inference/boot-pins.bin - Boot script for Antelope

  • Antelope/Zero-to-hero/05 Onboard inference/antelope-minimal-image-antelope.rootfs.cpio.gz.u-boot - Root filesystem for Antelope

  • Antelope/Zero-to-hero/05 Onboard inference/Image - Linux kernel

  • Antelope/Zero-to-hero/05 Onboard inference/system.dtb - Device tree

Use these files if you don’t want to build Yocto distribution by yourself.

Add inference tools to Yocto project Yocto

  1. Create directory ~/antelope-linux-1/sources/meta-local/recipes-example/inference/inference/

  2. Copy model_runner.py to ~/antelope-linux-1/sources/meta-local/recipes-example/inference/inference/

  3. Copy deep_globe_segmentation_unet_512_512.xmodel to ~/antelope-linux-1/sources/meta-local/recipes-example/inference/inference/

  4. Create new recipe ~/antelope-linux-1/sources/meta-local/recipes-example/inference/inference.bb

    SRC_URI = "\
       file://model_runner.py \
       file://deep_globe_segmentation_unet_512_512.xmodel \
    RDEPENDS:${PN} = "\
       python3-opencv \
       xir \
       vart \
    do_install() {
          install -d ${D}/dpu-inference
          install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/model_runner.py ${D}/dpu-inference
          install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/deep_globe_segmentation_unet_512_512.xmodel ${D}/dpu-inference
    FILES:${PN} += "/dpu-inference/*"
  5. Add new packages into Linux image by editing ~/antelope-linux-1/sources/meta-local/recipes-antelope/images/antelope-minimal-image.bbappend

       fpga-manager-script \
       double-uart \
       antelope-dpu \
       vitis-ai-library \
       kernel-module-xlnx-dpu \
       inference \
  6. Build firmware and image

    machine:~/antelope-linux-1/build$ bitbake antelope-all
  7. Prepare build artifacts for transfer to EGSE Host

    machine:~/antelope-linux-1/build$ mkdir -p ../egse-host-transfer
    machine:~/antelope-linux-1/build$ cp tmp/deploy/images/antelope/bootbins/boot-firmware.bin ../egse-host-transfer
    machine:~/antelope-linux-1/build$ cp tmp/deploy/images/antelope/u-boot-scripts/boot-script-pins/boot-pins.scr ../egse-host-transfer
    machine:~/antelope-linux-1/build$ cp tmp/deploy/images/antelope/system.dtb ../egse-host-transfer
    machine:~/antelope-linux-1/build$ cp tmp/deploy/images/antelope/Image ../egse-host-transfer
    machine:~/antelope-linux-1/build$ cp tmp/deploy/images/antelope/antelope-minimal-image-antelope.rootfs.cpio.gz.u-boot ../egse-host-transfer
  8. Transfer content of egse-host-transfer directory to EGSE Host and place it in /var/tftp/tutorial directory

Run inference on DPU EGSE Host

  1. Upload few images from DeepGlobe dataset (Tutorial files) to run inference on to EGSE Host and place them in ~/inference-input directory. Use patched files (512x512).

  2. Verify that all necessary artifacts are present on EGSE Host:

    customer@egse-host:~$ ls -lh /var/tftp/tutorial
    total 128M
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 customer customer  22M Jan 29 08:19 Image
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 customer customer 114M Jan 29 08:20 antelope-minimal-image-antelope.rootfs.cpio.gz.u-boot
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 customer customer 1.6M Jan 29 08:20 boot-firmware.bin
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 customer customer 2.8K Jan 29 08:20 boot-pins.scr
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 customer customer  37K Jan 29 08:20 system.dtb
    customer@egse-host:~$ ls -lh ~/inference-input
    total 225K
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 customer customer 71K Jan 30 07:58 207743_04_02_sat.jpg
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 customer customer 77K Jan 30 07:58 207743_04_03_sat.jpg
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 customer customer 76K Jan 30 07:58 21717_04_02_sat.jpg


    Exact file size might differ a bit but they should be in the same range (for example antelope-minimal-image-antelope.rootfs.cpio.gz.u-boot shall be about ~110MB)


    You can choose different images to run inference on.

  3. Power on Antelope

    customer@egse-host:~$ sml power on
    Powering on...Success
  4. Power on DPU

    customer@egse-host:~$ sml dpu power on
    Powering on...Success
  5. Open second SSH connection to EGSE Host and start minicom to observe boot process

    customer@egse-host:~$ minicom -D /dev/sml/antelope-dpu-uart

    Leave this terminal open and get back to SSH connection used in previous steps.

  6. Release DPU from reset

    customer@egse-host:~$ sml dpu reset off 7


    Boot firmware is the same as in Enable programmable logic support.

  7. DPU boot process should be visible in minicom terminal

  8. Transfer images from EGSE Host to DPU

    customer@egse-host:~$ scp -r ~/inference-input dpu:/tmp/inference-input
    Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
    21717_04_02_sat.jpg                100%   76KB  16.1MB/s   00:00
    207743_04_03_sat.jpg               100%   77KB  27.1MB/s   00:00
    207743_04_02_sat.jpg               100%   70KB  29.4MB/s   00:00
  9. Log in to DPU using root user

    antelope login: root
  10. Load DPU bitstream

    root@antelope:~# fpgautil -o /lib/firmware/antelope-dpu/overlay.dtbo
  11. Run inference. Runner creates output directory automatically.

    root@antelope:~# python3 /dpu-inference/model_runner.py --input-dir /tmp/inference-input/ --output-dir /tmp/inference-output
    Input tensors shape: [[1, 512, 512, 3]]
    Output tensors shape: [[1, 512, 512, 7]]
    Input tensors dtype: ['xint8']
    Output tensors dtype: ['xint8']
    Processing image /tmp/inference-input/21717_04_02_sat.jpg
    /dpu-inference/model_runner.py:24: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
    return np.exp(image) / np.sum(np.exp(image), axis=classes_axis, keepdims=True)
    /dpu-inference/model_runner.py:24: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
    return np.exp(image) / np.sum(np.exp(image), axis=classes_axis, keepdims=True)
    Processing image /tmp/inference-input/207743_04_03_sat.jpg
    Processing image /tmp/inference-input/207743_04_02_sat.jpg


    You can ignore “overflow encountered in exp” warning.

  12. Verify that model_runner.py produced results

    root@antelope:~# ls -l /tmp/inference-output/
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         73077 Jan 30 08:17 207743_04_02_sat.jpg
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root       7340160 Jan 30 08:17 207743_04_02_sat.npy
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         78363 Jan 30 08:17 207743_04_03_sat.jpg
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root       7340160 Jan 30 08:17 207743_04_03_sat.npy
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         77827 Jan 30 08:17 21717_04_02_sat.jpg
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root       7340160 Jan 30 08:17 21717_04_02_sat.npy

    Script has produced .npy and .jpg files for each input image.

  13. Transfer inference results back to EGSE Host

    customer@egse-host:~$ scp -r dpu:/tmp/inference-output/* ~/inference-output/
    Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
    207743_04_02_sat.jpg                         100%   71KB  16.2MB/s   00:00
    207743_04_02_sat.npy                         100% 7168KB  53.3MB/s   00:00
    207743_04_03_sat.jpg                         100%   77KB  32.7MB/s   00:00
    207743_04_03_sat.npy                         100% 7168KB  53.4MB/s   00:00
    21717_04_02_sat.jpg                          100%   76KB  32.9MB/s   00:00
    21717_04_02_sat.npy                          100% 7168KB  53.4MB/s   00:00
  14. Download inference results from EGSE Host and review rendered images.


    Fig. 5 21717_04_02_sat.jpg


    Fig. 6 207743_04_02_sat.jpg


    Fig. 7 207743_04_03_sat.jpg


In this tutorial you’ve put together all pieces created in Zero to hero tutorial series. Using DPU accelerator and small Python script you’ve managed to run ground segementation on series of images. That involved trained, quantized and compiled model for specific architecture, Linux distribution with DPU support and Python script to run inference. You can use inference results to generate images or other processing.