Onboard model runner in Python¶
This tutorial will guide you through creating inference model runner in Python. You can later use it to run inference on data processing unit like Leopard or Antelope.
A bit of background¶
Script running inference have to perform series of steps to get final result:
Load model graph
Instantiate VART runner with correct subgraph
Load input data
Preprocess input data (for example: normalize)
Reshape data to match input tensor
Run inference
Post-process output data (for example: apply softmax)
Save predictions for further processing.
Usage of VART runner means that final script will run only on machine w Deep-learning Processor Unit.
Create runner object¶
Create empty file
. All steps in this tutorial will add pieces of code to that file.Add
class that will wrap entire inference process.class Runner: def __init__(self) -> None: pass
Load compiler model
from pathlib import Path import xir XMODEL_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / "deep_globe_segmentation_unet_512_512.xmodel" class Runner: def __init__(self) -> None: self._graph = xir.Graph.deserialize(str(XMODEL_PATH))
Locate subgraph that represent inference performed on Deep learning Processor Unit
class Runner: def __init__(self) -> None: self._graph = xir.Graph.deserialize(str(XMODEL_PATH)) self._subgraph = self._get_child_subgraph_dpu() def _get_child_subgraph_dpu(self) -> list[xir.Subgraph]: root_subgraph = self._graph.get_root_subgraph() assert root_subgraph is not None, "Failed to get root subgraph of input Graph object." if root_subgraph.is_leaf: return [] child_subgraphs = root_subgraph.toposort_child_subgraph() assert child_subgraphs is not None and len(child_subgraphs) > 0 return [cs for cs in child_subgraphs if cs.has_attr("device") and cs.get_attr("device").upper() == "DPU"]
Create VART Runner object capable of interacting with Deep learning Processor Unit
... import vart ... class Runner: def __init__(self) -> None: ... self._dpu_runner = vart.Runner.create_runner(self._subgraph[0], "run")
Check shape of input and output tensors
class Runner: def __init__(self) -> None: ... # Get input/output tensors (even if the model has only one input/output tensor, we still get them as a list) self._input_tensors = self._dpu_runner.get_input_tensors() self._output_tensors = self._dpu_runner.get_output_tensors() print( f"Input tensors shape: {[t.dims for t in self._input_tensors]}\n", f"Output tensors shape: {[t.dims for t in self._output_tensors]}\n", f"Input tensors dtype: {[t.dtype for t in self._input_tensors]}\n", f"Output tensors dtype: {[t.dtype for t in self._output_tensors]}\n", )
Add pre- and post processing¶
Preprocess input data by scaling it to range [0, 1] and reshaping to match input tensor shape.
... import numpy as np ... class Runner: ... def _preprocess(self, img: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: img = img / 255.0 img = img.astype(np.float32) # Our model has only one input/output so we index input buffers directly with 0 idx. # Append batch dimension. img.reshape(self._input_tensors[0].dims) return img
Post process output data by applying softmax function
... def softmax(image: np.ndarray, classes_axis: int = -1) -> np.ndarray: return np.exp(image) / np.sum(np.exp(image), axis=classes_axis, keepdims=True) class Runner: ... def _postprocess(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return softmax(data)
Run inference¶
Run inference using VART runner applying pre- and post processing functions.
... class Runner: ... def infer(self, img: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: img = self._preprocess(img) output = np.empty(self._output_tensors[0].dims, dtype=np.float32, order="C") job_id = self._dpu_runner.execute_async([img], [output]) self._dpu_runner.wait(job_id) output = self._postprocess(output) return output
Process input files and generate output¶
Iterate over each file in input directory
... def main(input_dir: Path, input_glob: str, output_dir: Path) -> None: output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) runner = Runner() for img_path in input_dir.glob(input_glob): print(f'Processing image {img_path}')
Load each image and convert color scheme to RGB
... import cv2 ... def main(input_dir: Path, input_glob: str, output_dir: Path) -> None: ... for img_path in input_dir.glob(input_glob): print(f'Processing image {img_path}') img = cv2.imread(str(img_path)) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
Run inference on each image and save prediction to output file
... def main(input_dir: Path, input_glob: str, output_dir: Path) -> None: ... for img_path in input_dir.glob(input_glob): print(f'Processing image {img_path}') img = cv2.imread(str(img_path)) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) print('\tInfering...') prediction = runner.infer(img) np.save(output_dir / img_path.stem, prediction)
Generate output image with highlighted segmentation results
... COLOR_MAP = np.array([ (0, 255, 255), # Urban land (255, 255, 0), # Agriculture land (255, 0, 255), # Rangeland (0, 255, 0), # Forest land (0, 0, 255), # Water (255, 255, 255), # Barren land (0, 0, 0) # Unknown ], dtype=np.uint8) def main(input_dir: Path, input_glob: str, output_dir: Path) -> None: ... for img_path in input_dir.glob(input_glob): print(f'Processing image {img_path}') img = cv2.imread(str(img_path)) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) print('\tInfering...') prediction = runner.infer(img) np.save(output_dir / img_path.stem, prediction) print('\tRendering...') classes = np.argmax(prediction[0], axis=2) colors = COLOR_MAP[classes] colored_image = (img * 0.7 + colors * 0.3).astype(np.uint8) colored_image = cv2.cvtColor(colored_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) cv2.imwrite(str(output_dir / img_path.with_suffix('.jpg').name), colored_image)
Add command line arguments parsing
... import argparse ... if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--input-dir", type=Path) parser.add_argument("--input-glob", type=str, default="*.jpg") parser.add_argument("--output-dir", type=Path) args = parser.parse_args() main(args.input_dir, args.input_glob, args.output_dir)
You can review entire script in
You’ve created script that reads image files, runs necessary processing and pushes data to Deep learning Processor Unit. To actually use this script, go to Leopard: Onbooard inference to learn how to deploy it on target device.