Install AMD Vivado Lab Edition

A bit of background

Vivado Lab Edition enables debug access to DPUs connected to EGSE Host. Due to licensing restrictions, KP Labs can’t pre-install Vivado Lab on EGSE Host. This guide describes how to install Vivado Lab on EGSE Host.


  1. Download Vivado Lab for Linux from AMD website.

  2. Transfer downloaded file to EGSE Host.

    my-machine:~$ scp Vivado_Lab_Lin_....tar.gz customer@egse-my-egse.egse.sml.lan:~/
  3. Log in to EGSE Host

    my-machine:~$ ssh customer@egse-my-egse.egse.sml.lan
  4. Run sml install-vivado-lab command to automatically install Vivado Lab.

    customer@egse-my-egse:~$ sudo sml install-vivado-lab ~/Vivado_Lab_Lin_....tar.gz
    Creating install directory...Success
    Extracting installer...Success
    Detecting Vivado Lab version...Vivado Lab 2024.1
    Do you accept Xilinx EULA? [(Y)es/(N)o/(P)rint]: y
    Do you accept Third Party EULA? [(Y)es/(N)o/(P)rint]: y
    Installing Vivado Lab...This is a fresh install.
    INFO Could not detect the display scale (hDPI).
        If you are using a high resolution monitor, you can set the insaller scale factor like this:
        export XINSTALLER_SCALE=2
        setenv XINSTALLER_SCALE 2
    Running in batch mode...
    Copyright (c) 1986-2022 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
    Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.  All rights reserved.
    INFO  - User has accepted the EULAs.
    WARN  - Warning: you are running on an OS version that is not officially supported. AMD does not recommend installing on unsupported OSes.
    INFO  - Installing Edition: Vivado Lab Edition (Standalone)
    INFO  - Installation directory is /opt/xilinx/vivado_lab/versions
    Installing files, 99% completed. (Done)
    It took 1 minute to install files.
    INFO  - Installation completed successfully.
    Setting up paths...Success
    Starting hw_server.service...Success
    Removing extracted installer...Success


    Even with automated installer, you need to agree to Vivado Lab license terms.

  5. Verify installation by checking status of hw_server service.

    customer@egse-my-egse:~$ systemctl status hw_server.service
    ● hw_server.service - AMD Xilinx Vivado Lab hw_server
           Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/hw_server.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
           Active: active (running) since Fri 2024-10-04 07:35:11 UTC; 1min 38s ago
       Main PID: 30786 (hw_server)
           Tasks: 13 (limit: 18918)
           Memory: 4.3M
               CPU: 416ms
           CGroup: /system.slice/hw_server.service
                   ├─30786 /bin/bash /opt/xilinx/vivado_lab/current/bin/hw_server
                   ├─30814 /bin/bash /opt/xilinx/vivado_lab/current/bin/loader -exec hw_server
                   └─30876 /opt/xilinx/vivado_lab/current/bin/unwrapped/lnx64.o/hw_server
  6. If hw_server is running, you can connect to it locally from EGSE Host or from your workstation.